For Taurus this transit of Rahu and Ketu will be activated in the axis of 12th and 6th house. Rahu will be transiting in the 12th house of salvation, foreign gains, expenditure and bed pleasures which indicates success for the people in the field of research in technology and also occult. Those who are in the field of sales in the marketing business will see a favourable time during this transit. Travel will be fruitful for those who are in the field of sports. Children will have to maintain more focus in studies. Those working with defence or in the field of security may get betterment. Native may get stuck into the blame game but will be able to win over the enemies. Chances of sudden gains may be seen. There can be an inclination for foreign travels to the native. The native will be more inclined towards spiritual knowledge, meditation and alternative healing etc and some may get success in fields of Astrology, Media and Blogging. Those in govt job or in defence may get promotion or desired location.
Ketu is transiting in the sixth house of service, daily routine, enemies, illness, debt and daily wages. Enemies may try to create problem for you in initial period but ultimately will not be able to harm you and you will win over them. You may find clarity in your thoughts. Those in business may get good gains and profits with regular flow of income. Some of you may face small health problems. You may face problems related to the stomach and intestine. Some of you may become over suspicious.
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