For Scorpio this transit of Rahu and Ketu will be activated in the axis of 6th and 12th house. Rahu’s transit in the sixth house can give you success in competitive exams as well as all other types of competitions, court cases and in elections. It can also give popularity, reputation in Job. Those in the field of Law or any independent work will get good results. Some of the natives may by joining defence forces. This transit can also give winning edge over opponents and in legal matters. This transit can help some to gain from foreign travel along with success and money from a foreign land. During this period, you will get the corporation for government authorities or senior officials, and your subordinate will also be very helpful to you. Health may remain good but check in daily routine is necessary.
Ketu transits in the twelfth house of foreign gains, expenditure, spirituality, bed pleasures, hospitalization and expenses and losses. Some of you can be very much spiritually inclined. Some may join or get charge of some NGO, Yoga Centre of such places. It is advised to stay cautious for any unnecessary expenses. Those natives who are planning to go abroad for work may find this period suitable for them. Furthermore, some of you may suffer from a sleep disorder. This axis transit also gives victory in court cases. There can be decline in the love and mutual intimacy in married couples.
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