Premature Ejaculation and Medical Astrology

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates or reaches orgasm sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. Premature ejaculation is a common sexual complaint.

Both psychological and biological factors can play a role in premature ejaculation. Although many men feel embarrassed talking about it, premature ejaculation is a common and treatable condition

No accurate timing has been set, about how long a man should “last” during sex. But when a man experiences orgasm before he wants to loses the erection and can’t continue with intercourse, interest is lost in sexual pleasure, then this condition indicates a premature ejaculation. It has been estimated that 30 to 35 % of male experience this problem sometimes in their life.

This problem can be primary – a lifelong problem experienced by some and it can be a secondary – can develop in any period in any age.

Psychological causes

  • Early sexual experiences
  • Sexual abuse
  • Poor body image
  • Depression
  • Continuous worrying about premature ejaculation
  • Guilty feelings

Other Causes:

  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship problems. 
  • Abnormal excitation & neuro aggressiveness
  • Imbalance in hormone levels
  • Neuro disorders
  • Nervousness
  • Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra
  • Inherited traits


  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Emotional and Mental Stress.
  • Relationship issues.
  • Fertility problems. 

Medical Astrology and Premature Ejaculation

Sex and sexual organs comes under the subject of 7th house and 8th house. Signs are Libra and Scorpio. Venus and Mars rule the sex life of a males and females. 7th house and Venus rule the semen. Libra is the seat of the same. All these govern the sex life, semen and marital happiness.

Apart from above, Moon, Ascendant, its Lord and 12th house and its lord is also analyzed.

  • If Moon or Venus is in 7th house of the horoscope then there will be a quick ejaculation.
  • Afflicted Mars and Venus in chart
  • If Sun is in the 7th house of the horoscope then there will be agressive sex behaviour.
  • If Moon is in the 7th house of the horoscope then the native is delighted in sex but the ejaculation is quick.
  • If Mars is in 7th house of the horoscope then he will be impatient in sex which ends quickly.
  • If Mercury is in the 7th house of the horoscope then the native suffers from premature ejaculation or nervous exhaustion.
  • If Rahu is in the 7th house
  • If moon occupies 12th bhava, mercury is in 8th and rahu or Saturn are in the second bhava
  • Moon is severely afflicted by malefics and ketu or mercury is in eighth house.
  • If moon is on rahu-ketu axis and eighth house is occupied by Saturn and Mercury both.
  • Premature ejaculation is caused by ketu in seventh bhava.
  • Afflicted Mercury in 7th house gives early exhaustion and premature ejaculation.
  • If lord of ascendant and Moon are afflicted or too weak can cause this problem.

Chart of partner should also be analyzed because pre-mature ejaculation sometimes is a relative aspect also. For example- Mars and Venus in conjunction in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house of a female makes her overly sexed. Also if Rahu and Mars join Venus in the sign of Mars makes too much over sexed.

Mahadasha is also important because a person may be enjoying a very successful conjugal life and sex but suddenly, during Mahadasha of 7th or 8th lord or transit of Saturn to 7th and 8th from Moon Sign can indirectly result into premature ejaculation problems.

Medical Astrology analyzes the native’s personalized chart by studying the related afflictions of houses, planets, weaknesses and inauspicious planetary configurations and effects on the mind, organs, body parts and helps in finding the astrological root cause and recommends necessary remedial measures.

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