Pitra Dosha:

Pitra (Ancestors) Dosha very harmful Graha Dosh and if not attended with proper remedies this dosha may continue for generations. You and your family might be suffering a lot due to various reasons and at the same time you will never be able to understand the reasons and what is going on. Reasons of formation of Pitra Dosha in any horoscope can be outcome of curse from forefathers and can also be the outcome of any karmic debt of the ancestors who have committed some sin or mistake. So, the native is held accountable of their forefather’s past deeds by going through various punishments and unfruitful ventures and efforts.

Few symptoms of Pitra Dosh:

  • You might be getting severe problems in your career, profession, job, business social standing and honour.
  • You are being unnecessarily troubled.
  • Your married life is going though sever problems.
  • You have a lot of enemies around you. There are legal cases.
  • You are being misunderstood and your work is not being recognized.
  • You are facing lot of debts. You are not being free from debt for years.
  • You always feel lack of things in life.
  • Children falling sick frequently.
  • The couple having problems in conceiving the child.
  • Frequent miscarriages.
  • Quarrels among family members without any valid reason.
  • Untimely & unnatural death of family members

Planetary combinations responsible for Pitra dosh:

  • A Kundli is considered to be affected by Pitra dosh if, in the horoscope, the 9th house or the 5th house or its lord is either in conjunction with or is under aspect by Rahu or Ketu.
  • If Sun and/or Jupiter are in conjugation or under aspect of Rahu or Ketu.
  • Sun and Rahu or Sun and Saturn are placed in the first, second, fourth, seventh, ninth and tenth house of the birth chart. 
  • Rahu is in the ascendant and the lord of the ascendant in sixth, eighth or twelfth house.
  • Combination and formation of Pitra Dosha involving the lords of sixth, eighth or twelfth house are more severe.

Remedies for Pitra Dosh:

  • You should perform Shradh (rituals & homages for your Ancestors) every year on the same day (Lunar Tithi) when your ancestor died.
  • Perform Tripindi Shradh.
  • Offer water to the banyan tree. Offering water regularly on the banyan tree can reduce the ill effects of Pitra Dosh.
  • You should also offer Shradh during the 15 days of Shradh Month.
  • Offer food & donation to the Brahmins on the day of Amavasya.
  • Donate food items in the temple and other spiritual places on the occasion of Full Moon day (Poornima) and New Moon day (Amavasya).
  • You should never treat or torture any animal or human being with cruelty.
  • You should not involve in stealing or any manipulation and unethical activities.
  • You should not involve in any abuse or spreading ill for anyone.
  • You should take remedies for any Vastu Dosha in your house particularly in North, North-East, East and South- South West Directions.

Consult Astrologer to analyze the seriousness of Pitra Dosha in your or anyone’s chart in your family and get proper remedial advice and measures on time.

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