About Pisces (Meena)

Nature & Characteristics:


Pisces natives are more sensitive and emotional.

They have deep attractive lucid eyes. They have deep imagination.

Pisces natives are dreamy, romantic and charming.


They love natural beauty and environment and feel happy and at peace in it.

Most of them like music. They find their creative side in this.


Pisces natives are usually very generous and compassionate to others feelings and tender selfless help and advice.


They possess inborn ability to tune and vibrate with the feelings of others and reflect the same vibration.


They look and perceive their mother as their spiritual and practical guide in the family. Pisces natives take good care of their family.


They are highly creative in fine arts, gardening, music and natural beauty with water. They also tend to be religious.


Pisces natives usually avoid any confrontations and also like to mediate and create harmony between others.

They are good nourisher for their family.


They should guard themselves of this nature as sometimes others take advantage and use their feelings and even betray them. Sometimes they can suddenly become highly irritable and vindictive also.

They have adaptability.


Pisces natives are artist. They are attracted to arts, music, water bodies and gardens. Their compassionate nature is the drive within them, which make them care for others and are also good for nourishing, healing type works.


Pisceans are known to be dreamy and not always in touch with reality but they possess good intuition.


Pisces native always need space for their works and to dream. In absence of space they feel over loaded. Given space and time for their creative pursuits, they can work wonders. Generally considered soft-hearted and sweet, Lunar Pisceans care about others and are easily touched by human suffering and they definitely do have plenty of soft corners.


The accepting and empathetic nature of Pisces is sometimes mistaken for their weakness. They need some solitude to recharge their nerves.




Natural Trait: Friendly and Empathetic


Best Trait When: Imagination and Creativity


Worst Trait When: Over Sensitivity


Natural Fears: Rejection and Loneliness


Anxiety When: Worrying about being anxious


Inherent Desires: To convert their wild dreams and fantasies into reality


Feel Insecure When: What others are thinking about them


Should Be Proud of: Association with Spiritual World



Traits Need To Improve: Indecisive and self pitying


Can Do Much Better By: Organizing daily routine, Transforming from Empathetic Blind to Compassionate Practical, Engaging in Hobby and Artistic Outlets, Facing challenges in Career with Creative Actions, Keeping Gut Healthy


Key phrase: I Sacrifice

Zodiac Element: Water

Main Characteristics: Emotional Nature, Mood Swings, Lack of Clarity, Inspirational, Hospitable, Peace-Loving, Intuitive, Methodical, Compassionate, Sympathetic, Kind, Creative, Imaginative, Sensitive, Loving, Spiritual and Selfless

Traits need to Improve: Too idealistic, Weak Will, Over Sensitive, Pessimistic, Lazy, Careless, Indecisive, Submissive, Self-Depreciation, Timid, Self Pity, moody, Negative

Compatible Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Beneficial Planet: Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter

Malefic Planet: Venus, Sun and Saturn

Neutral Planet: None

Love Planets: Moon, Mercury and Venus

Finance Planet: Mars, Saturn and Jupiter

Speculation Planet: Moon and Jupiter

Career Planets: Sun, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn

Friendship Planet: Saturn and Jupiter

Lucky Numbers: 2, 3, 9, 7, 12, 16, 21, 29, 30, 36, 38, 34, 43, 52, 57, 83, 84

Lucky Stones: Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Topaz, Pearl, Red Coral

Lucky Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday

Lucky Colours: Yellow, Light Yellow, Yellow Orange, Red, Blue Green

Lucky Fragrances: Rosemary, Bergamot, Peppermint

Lucky Metals: Bronze and Gold

Affirmation Mantra: I Offer My Love to All But I am Compassionately Wise


Positive Traits: Emotional Nature, Mood Swings, Lack of Clarity, Inspirational, Hospitable, Peace-Loving, Intuitive, Methodical, Compassionate, Sympathetic, Kind, Creative, Imaginative, Sensitive, Loving, Spiritual and Selfless

Negative Traits: Too idealistic, Weak Will, Over Sensitive, Pessimistic, Lazy, Careless, Indecisive, Submissive, Self-Depreciation, Timid, Self Pity, moody, Negative





Health & Fitness:

Pisces natives should learn to live and eat moderately and avoid any indulgence.


The most effected parts of their body are blood circulation, pain in feet and respiratory system.

Irregular food intake and spicy and oily food sometimes leads to weight gain in

Pisces natives with advancement in age.

Being sensual and mood swings may lead to addiction for some Pisces natives.


Being delicate can affect their health due to severity of seasons. Pisces natives also feel depressed sometimes which can affect their nervous system.

They should involve themselves in creative pursuits in life.
Their cell salt is iron phosphate.


They should include almonds, whole grain cereals, lemons, oranges, apples, spinach, green peas, apricot and milk in their diet.

They should reduce salt and sugar in their food intake.


Related Chakra: Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

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