Lungs Diseases and Medical Astrology


Mainly lung diseases involve a combination of these three types.


  • Airway diseases — These diseases affect the tubes (airways) that carry oxygen and other gases into and out of the lungs. They usually cause a narrowing or blockage or too much widening of the airways. Airway diseases include asthma, COPD and Bronchiectasis.


  • Lung tissue diseases — These diseases affect the structure of the lung tissue. Inflammation of the tissue makes the lungs unable to expand fully (restrictive lung disease). This makes it hard for the lungs to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Affected person is unable to breathe deeply. Pulmonary fibrosis is examples of lung tissue disease.


  • Lung circulation diseases — These diseases affect the blood vessels in the lungs. They are caused by clotting, scarring, or inflammation of the blood vessels. They affect the ability of the lungs to take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide. These diseases may also affect heart function. An example of a lung circulation disease is pulmonary hypertension.



The most common lung diseases include:

  • Asthma
  • Collapse of part or all of the lung
  • Swelling and inflammation in the main passages (bronchial tubes) that carry air to the lungs (bronchitis)
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Lung cancer
  • Lung infection (pneumonia)
  • Abnormal build up of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema)
  • Blocked lung artery (pulmonary embolus)


Medical Astrology and Lung Diseases


Mercury rules the vocal cords and the respiratory system. All the diseases associated with the vocal cords, breathing, pulmonary system, etc are ruled by Mercury. Saturn is contracting in nature. If Saturn is associated with Mercury then the native gets trouble in breathing because of contracted breathing tubes. Jupiter rules the lungs, cough. It is phlegmatic in nature. If Jupiter is associated with Mercury then there is excess cough in the lungs and this result in blockage of the tubes.  Moon and Mars also cause such problems when afflicted and negative in chart. The signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius control the respiratory system.


Mainly Houses involved are 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th.



Ascendant: Rules overall physical and mental capabilities and immunity
Sign Cancer /4th house: Rule blood, heart and chest region.
Sign Virgo/6th house: Indicates sickness.
Moon: Rules body fluid and Chest
Mars: Blood Vessels, Muscular tissues, inflammation of lungs, haemorrhage from lungs, spitting of blood
Mercury: Breaths, air cells, asthma and bronchitis.
Saturn: Rules ribs, cold, bronchitis and asthma.
Gemini/Libra/ Aquarius: Windy sign governs breath.


Planetary combinations and placements for different Lung Diseases:




  • Mercury is the chief Signifactor of Asthma disease along with the Moon which is also Signifactor of asthma.  When Mercury is weakor afflicted or under any malefic aspect in chart.
  • Moon combined with Sun in sign Capricorn and aspected by Saturn and Mars.
  • Mars and Saturn placed in 6th house and aspected by Sun and Rahu.
  • Jupiter combined with Mercury.
  • Jupiter combined with Rahu.
  • Sun and Venus combination indicates asthma and tuberculosis.




  • Moon placed in 6th house sandwiched between Saturn and Mars also Sun in the horoscope posited in Sign Capricorn
  • During transit of Mars and or Sun to sign of Gemini/Leo/Aquarius and being afflicted by Saturn/Rahu can cause this problem
  • The Moon in the 4* house along with a malefic will cause phlegmatic disorders in the Lungs


  • Moon, Saturn or Jupiter in Leo, Gemini or Aquarius if heavily afflicted by Mars or Ketu
  • Interchange of Sun and Moon in their Navamshas
  • Moon and Sun combined in sign Cancer/Leo indicates tuberculosis.
  • Jupiter and Moon placed in 8th house in watery sign and aspected by malefic
  • Jupiter, Saturn and Sun combined in 7th or in 8th
  • Mercury and Mars combined in 6th house aspected by Venus and Moon.
  • Mars and Rahu combined in 4ht /5th house.
  • Weak Moon in 6th or 8th heavily afflicted
  • Ketu conjuct or under aspect with lord of 6th house
  • Mars and Rahu combined in 4th/5th house.
  • Mars and Mercury placed in 6th house aspected by Sun and Moon.


  • Sun, Jupiter or Mars during transit in Gemini, Leo or Aquarius under malefic affliction

Lung cancer:

  • If Sign Gemini, 3rd house and Mercury are seriously afflicted by Saturn, Rahu or Ketu can give this disease.



  • Mars placed in 1st, 4th, 6th and Mercury in 6th can cause allergy.
  • Sun if too weak and negative along with Moon can cause allergy

Whooping cough:

  • Mercury afflicted at birth-chart at Taurus or Gemini

Medical Astrology analyzes the native’s personalized chart by studying the related afflictions of houses, planets, weaknesses and inauspicious planetary configurations and effects on the mind, organs, body parts and helps in finding the astrological root cause and recommends necessary remedial measures.





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