About Libra (Tula)

Nature & Characteristics:


Libra natives are peaceful, fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for them. They are natural persuader personality type.


They like balance and they are in a constant chase for justice and fairness which they value too much. So Libra natives are natural harmonizing agents.


They weigh various options and then choose the peaceful option to their basket.


They seek to avoid conflict. Libra natives make good friends and find ways and motivating drives to reach out and connect with people.


Libra natives perceive the world through the eyes of an artist and appreciate beauty and sensibility.


They feel at home and secure in peaceful environments and can get irritated otherwise. They are usually charming and gentle. They have affinity to decorative things.


They make good team players and connectors as popular in their circle. But some Libra natives can be very rigid and manipulate in a diplomatic way to their own or someone interests.


Libra natives are good negotiators and gradually develop ability to make deals.


Balance is all about them and whenever they find out of balance in relationships and tasks in life, they tend to lose self confidence.


If you keenly observe the Libra chart, you will see that all the 12 signs need a unique balance as each sign and its seventh sign are uniquely of opposite qualities and nature. Libra natives must understand this.


Libra natives are stylish and charming. They like to keep good outfit and are ready for all occasions.


A natural extrovert, you’re happiest when you’re around people you love. The love to find partners and circles with whom they can share their thoughts, feelings and life. Some times they find it difficult to take decisions.


They are sympathetic and concerned for others, enjoy socializing, and revel in a good debate. Mental rapport with others is especially important to them.

They are quite charming. They can be very attractive to be around, and are often given to flirtatiousness and these people win your heart with their gentle and refined ways.


They are quite diplomatic with acquaintances and they rarely let up until they win. And, winning an argument is a Libran specialty. Lunar Librans’ idealistic outlook and constant striving for the best, most harmonious lifestyle can lead to much discontent.


Natural Trait: Emotional and Balanced


Best Trait When: Sense of balance and fairness


Worst Trait When: Too Much Analytic and Indecisiveness


Natural Fears: making wrong decisions


Anxiety When: When people repeatedly cross their lines


Inherent Desires: Balance Clarity in every thing


Feel Insecure When: Losing their Image and reputation


Should Be Proud of: Charming and Shining


Traits Need To Improve: Much manipulative and lying


Can Do Much Better By: Changing plans for business, Doing Yoga and Walking, Admitting where to Improve, Facing all challenges in Career with Creative Actions, Being more Confident


Key phrase: I Balance

Zodiac Element: Air

Main Characteristics: Thoughtful, Unbiased, Modest, Adaptable, Persuasive, Affectionate, Cheerful, Sympathetic, Tactful, Balanced, Refined, Social, Communicator, Concerned

Traits need to Improve: Indecisive, Reckless, Hasty, Susceptible, Aloof, Forming wrong Perceptions, Manipulating

Compatible Signs: Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo

Ruling Planet: Venus

Beneficial Planet: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn

Malefic Planet: Jupiter

Neutral Planet: Sun

Love Planets: Saturn and Rahu and Venus

Finance Planet: Mars, Ketu and Jupiter

Speculation Planet: Saturn and Rahu and Jupiter

Career Planets: Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn

Friendship Planet: Sun and Jupiter

Lucky Numbers: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60

Lucky Stones: Diamond, Zircon, White Coral, Clear Quartz, White Sapphire

Lucky Days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Lucky Colours: Shades of Pink, White, Shades of Blue, Light Green

Lucky Fragrances: Rose, Sage, Tangerine

Lucky Metals: Silver and Copper

Affirmation Mantra: My Body, Mind and Spirit are in Harmony


Positive Traits: Thoughtful, Unbiased, Modest, Adaptable, Persuasive, Affectionate, Cheerful, Sympathetic, Tactful, Balanced, Refined, Social, Communicator, Concerned


Negative Traits: Indecisive, Reckless, Hasty, Susceptible, Aloof, Forming wrong Perceptions, Manipulating





Health & Fitness:


Libra natives have tendency and love to look young, beautiful and attractive. They usually take several measures to stay in their desired looks.

Some may do regular physical workouts.

As far as any ailment at physical level, they can have problems in their backs, lower back, urinary system and parts and on mental level, they sometimes develop anxiety, and irritability due to imbalance in any relationship of break in communication.

Libra natives have tendency to gain weight from intake of fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.  They should restrict too much sweet foods and should keep their minds calm while taking food.

Meditation and balancing the breath is important for them.

Their tissue salt is sodium phosphate. Libra native should include almonds, brown rice, apples, spinach, raisins, peas and oat meal to their dietary habits. They should take plenty of water.


Related Chakra: Heart Chakra (Anahata)


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