Grahan Dosha:

Grahan Dosh is a highly negative dosha. Grahan means eclipse. This dosha is formed by Rahu and Ketu (the lunar nodes). Grahan dosha occurs when the Nodes- Rahu and Ketu  is in close conjunction with Sun or Moon at the time of any person’s birth. Grahan Dosh also happens when you were born when Solar or Lunar eclipse happened.

The intensity and possible effects of formation of Grahan Dosha is to studied in relation to the degrees of the conjunction formed and also the sign, house and nodal Axis.

Also, the conjunction and grahan with Ketu is studied in different manner with that of Rahu.

Most importantly, as Luminaries are effected in this Dosha, it becomes even more complicated and serious as it definitely has links to past life karmas and debts and involves karmic purification process also in this life and life to come. It is observed that even if any horoscope has good yogas, they get diminished and fruitless due to horoscope Luminaries Sun and Moon (Soul and Mind) being in Grahan.

Effects of Grahan Dosha:

  • There can be problems in conceiving children due to miscarriages or the children born may be weak mentally and physically.
  • Person may experience recurrent problems which he or she is unable to trace the reasons and these problems can occur in family, house and business.
  • There is a lack of harmony in relationships.
  • The person feels and experiences very less result for his overall efforts and growth is restricted.
  • Person is unable to take right decisions at right time resulting into depression and sometimes too much anger.
  • There can be recurrent diseases either at mental – emotional or physical level.
  • This Dosha affects one’s mind, intelligence, emotions, family, and reputation in a negative manner. One will see that he or she has to give in too much extra hard works to accomplish something as compared to others.
  • Sometimes, it is also found that persons affected by this Dosha try to run away from their immediate responsibilities.



Some Remedies for Grahan Dosh:

(The remedies differ from person to person as I have already mentioned above that degrees, house, axis and signs have to be studies very minutely and these differ in each horoscope. So do remedies only after getting consulted by an Astrologer and follow his recommended remedies)

  • Pay due respects and take care of your Mother, Father and your Guru.
  • If the Grahan Dosh happens due to the planet Sun, then you should offer water to the Lord Surya every day. You should chant Gayatri Mantra OR Aditya Hriday Stotram every day.
  • Avoid salt on Sunday.
  • If the Grahan Dosh happens due to Moon worship Moon and chant Chandra Mantra 108 times daily and particularly pooja on Amavasya tithis. Donate Moon articles.
  • Chant Maha Mrityunjay Mantra daily after taking bath.
  • Worship Lord Shiva daily.
  • If Dosha happens due to Rahu, then worship Lord Shiva and Ma Durga daily and recite Mahamritunjay Mantra.
  • If Dosha happens due to Ketu, then worship Lord Ganesha and Ma Chamunda daily.
  • Get recommendation of proper mantra, gems and yantra from an Astrologer.
  • Get recommendation of proper Rudraksha from an Astrologer.
  • Apply turmeric daily on tongue in morning after taking bath.
  • Visit Lord Hanuman temple every Tuesday, worship and offer prayers.
  • Learn Pranayama and do it daily for 10-15 minutes morning and evening. Recite a mantra while inhaling and exhaling during Pranayam. Get your suitable mantra from an Astrologer.
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