About Gemini (Mithun)

Nature & Characteristics:


Gemini natives are lively and intelligent. They get influenced by ideas that work in dualities of thoughts and opinions with lots of information.


Gemini is inquisitive, talkative in nature, have eloquent eyes, and at mental level they are incessantly in forming and re-forming of various waves.


Gemini behaviour can change frequently, and perceptions may also change very frequently.


They find themselves in constant ebb between perceptions and thoughts and they find need to connect on a mental level for emotional security.


Gemini is in constant search mode and desire to explore and know as many things. They want to gather as much information as they can.

Gemini natives are intellect oriented.


Due to this mental tendency they usually feel easily distracted, and not able to focus on ideas initiated. Gemini can be good speakers.


Gemini love to interact with others, and are found to be very sociable people.

Their company is rarely boring.


They like such career which required many ideas with opportunities to communicate. As they have dual minds this makes them wavering in their desires and choices.


In love, Gemini natives are versatile, entertaining, inquisitive and stimulating. They also take a good care of the needs of their family.


The mind of Gemini natives is in constant motion. Your mind is always ten steps ahead of everyone else’s, which gives you the gift for communication.


You’re happy as long as you’re learning something new.


That same appetite for freshness can become a challenge when it’s time for you to slow down and relax. You carry a lot of nervous energy with you, but you feel so much better when you find someone you can talk it out with.


Geminis are usually pleasant, witty, and charming people. At home and with family, however, they can be moody and irritable at times. People with Moon in Gemini are always interesting people–they have a finger in every pie, are curious to a fault, and are generally well-informed.


Their homes are often a perpetual work-in-progress. They generally dislike housework, but are big on home improvement. Re-organizing their homes in little–and sometimes big–ways seems to keep them happy Geminis are easily bored by both routine and constancy. They are good organisers too.


Moon in Gemini people almost always have a way with words. They are clever and witty, and more often than not can be found chatting with others. Their imaginative faculties are very good. They are sociable and friendly, and feel comfortable in crowds.


Gemini natives have trouble sticking to any one project.



Natural Trait: Smart and witty


Best Trait When: Energetic and Enthusiastic


Worst Trait When: Two faced concept


Natural Fears: Losing freedom


Anxiety When: Trapped in indecisive ideas, concepts and confused


Inherent Desires: Variety and new experiences


Feel Insecure When: Being left out of the Loop


Should Be Proud of: Engaging all in conversation


Traits Need To Improve: Manipulative and two faced


Can Do Much Better By: Doing Aerobic exercises, Filtering all Information Properly and Practically, Working on Decision Making Skills, Keeping Lines of Communication always Open


Key phrase: I Think

Zodiac Element: Air

Main Characteristics: Intellectual, Enthusiastic, Witty, Thinker, Multi-Talented, Versatile, Talkative, Social, Scattered, Wavering, Diverse Interests, Variety seeker, Information Gatherer, keen to excitement

Traits need to Improve: Lack of Consistency, Superficial thoughts, Wavering emotions and Perceptions, Lack in decision making capacity, Anxious

Compatible Signs: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, Aries

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Beneficial Planet: Mercury, Jupiter and Venus

Malefic Planet: Sun and Mars

Neutral Planet: Moon and Saturn

Love Planets: Venus and Jupiter

Finance Planet: Moon and Jupiter

Speculation Planet: Venus and Jupiter

Career Planets: Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Saturn

Friendship Planet: Mars and Jupiter

Lucky Numbers: 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 23, 24, 26, 32, 33, 35, 41, 44, 50, 51, 53, 59, 60, 62, 68, 77, 86

Lucky Stones: Emerald, Peridot, Diamond, Aquamarine, Jade, Quartz Crystal, Green Onyx

Lucky Days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Lucky Colours: Shades of Green, Pink, Pale Blue

Lucky Fragrances: Sandalwood, Basil, Lavender, Peppermint

Lucky Metals: Quick Silver

Affirmation Mantra: I am Calm



Health & Fitness:


Gemini natives are over-active, and prone to anxiety. So good diet and quality sleep are always advised.

Some Gemini natives may be affected by throat and respiratory problems or bronchial congestion during the young ages and viral also. Physical exercise is necessary.

Over excitement should be controlled by Gemini natives.

They should practice meditation and breathing exercises to calm their nervous exhaustion and ease mental strained faculties and nervous currents for stability.

Gemini should include potassium chloride salt in their food intakes.

Tomatoes, spinach, green beans, oranges, celery, plums, carrots, cauliflower, coconut and wheat gram are all good for them. They may be prone to smoking and too much of tea or coffee which should be avoided. Almonds are good for them.


Related Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)


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