Eye Diseases and Medical Astrology

Many eye diseases have no early symptoms. They may be painless, and you may see no change in your vision until the disease has become quite advanced.  Vision through Eyes is most important in our lives. At the same time, entire anatomy of Eyes is very delicate and sophisticated. Inter linked parts are Tear Layer, Cornea, Anterior Chamber, Iris, Pupil, Lens, Ciliary Body, Vitreous Humour, Retina, Cones, Rods, Macula, Fovea, Choroid, Sclera, Optic Nerve, Extraocular Muscles.

There are several types of Eye diseases and it can affect persons of all ages.

  • 2nd house of the chart rules the right eyes and the 12th house the left eyes
  • Sun governs the right eyes and the Moon governs the left eyes
  • Mercury governs the optic nerves
  • Venus and the Sign Taurus which is the natural 2nd house and Jupiter and the Sign Pisces which is the natural 12th house are signified by Eyes
  • Any imbalance in Vaata and Pitta Dosha also needs proper study



  • Vision of distance is not clear and only near object can be seen clearly. Termed as nearsightedness. If Moon and Sun are under heavy afflictions this problem can result

Optic Atrophy:

  • Damages in the optic nerves resulting from external pressure, infection, chemicals, allergies.
  • Mercury, 2nd and 12th house along with affliction of Sun and Moon cause this.

Colour Blindness:

  • Person affected is unable to differentiate between red and green colour.
  • If Sign Taurus is afflicted along with Venus under negative aspect of Saturn this disease is seen to emerge.



  • Due to Glaucoma, the aqueous humor does not flow out of the eyes properly. Fluid pressure in the eyes is build up, and over time causes damage to the optic nerve fibres. It is also termed as Ocular Hypertension.
  • If Sun and Moon are afflicted in 2nd or 12th house under negative aspect of Saturn or Rahu.
  • Lord of 2nd under negative conjunction or aspect from Sun and Mars
  • Mercury governs the nerves. Any affliction of Mercury in chart to be analysed


  • Loss of clarity or clouding of the lenses of the Eyes objects the normal vision
  • Mercury if in afflicted condition in the chart in 2nd or 12th house
  • Jupiter or Venus posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house with lagna lord and if Sun or Moon is also afflicted.

Squint in Eyes:

  • This problem is seen from the beginning i.e. at birth
  • The alignment of Eyes is not proper
  • If Mars conjunct Moon in 8th house or if conjunct in ascendant under negative aspect of Jupiter or Venus
  • If retrograde planets conjunct Moon or Sun in 6th or 12th house
  • If Moon and Sun are posited in 2nd or 12th house



Problem in Left Eye:

  • If a malefic planet occupies 6th house and afflicted
  • Afflicted Moon placed in 2nd house
  • Afflicted Mars placed in 12th house
  • Moon in Leo lagna under negative aspect of Saturn and Mars

Problem in Right Eye:

  • If a malefic planet occupies 8th house under affliction
  • Afflicted Sun placed in 12th house
  • If Saturn is negatively placed n 12th house
  • If Sun occupies ascendant or 7th house under negative aspect of Saturn
  • Sun or Moon placed in 8th house under affliction


  • Sun and Moon in 2nd and 12th house under affliction by Saturn along with afflicted Signs Taurus and Pisces may result blindness
  • If 2nd house is under negative aspect of Saturn and 12th house have either conjunction of Saturn and Mars or aspects can give blindness
  • If Sun and Moon and 2nd and 12th house are afflicted and have negative aspects of conjoined with either Saturn or Mars can result into blindness
  • Sun and Rahu conjunct in ascendant while Saturn and Mars conjoin in either in 5th or 9th can result into blindness
  • If Mars is placed in 2nd house and Sun in 8th both houses if under affliction can result into blindness
  • If lords of 12th and 2nd conjunct with Venue and ascendant lord is placed in 6th, 8th of 12th can give blindness

Night Blindness:

  • If person is unable to see in dim light frequencies
  • If Venus and Mars conjunct in 7th house under negative aspects by malefic planets

Other combinations of problem in Eyes:

  • If lord of 2nd house is conjunct or under aspect of Mars and Sun
  • If Rahu is placed in 5th house under malefic aspect
  • If Moon and Sun are together in 9th house under bad aspects
  • If Rahu and Mars are conjunct in the ascendant
  • If Moon and Mercury are afflicted


Medical Astrology analyzes the native’s personalized chart by studying the related afflictions of houses, planets, weaknesses and inauspicious planetary configurations and effects on the mind, organs, body parts and helps in finding the astrological root cause and recommends necessary remedial measures.


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