About Capricorn (Makar)


Nature & Characteristics:


Capricorn natives are self interested and usually introverts.

They are hard working, disciplined and sometimes strict with others. They are reliable persons.


Capricorn natives need motivation very often to make them secure and generate willingness to express their thoughts and feelings, as otherwise they may control and hide and feel morose.


They are generally responsible and can help others. It is often found that though they are into themselves, they may require help and approval of some elder.


Their mother can be too controlling and disciplining nature. Capricorn natives can sometimes be non romantic.


They are hard and consistent workers if set focus to some task.

They develop understanding in early age and can perceive things deeply.


They may find their fate little later in life and usually after 28 years of age they see achievement. Sometimes they may act in self centred manner.


They are loyal and take care of their loved ones.


At workplace, others may image Capricorn natives as reserved, non romantic and engrossed in work.


Sometimes they become arrogant and stubborn.


Capricorn natives are ambitious and dedicated workers.  They do not like any interference between them and their goals. Because of this inherent tendency, their life and circumstance get tough and stressed.


They would not like to share also. As much as you love work, don’t forget to take a break once in a while or you will leave your nerves highly strung.


Being useful and productive are basic needs for Capricorns. Because they generally keep their emotions under check. However turbulent their emotions may be under the surface Capricorn native keep cool-headed and they come across as steady and reliable people.


Capricorn natives seek for safety and security in most everything they do.

Most of them respect authority and tradition.

Calm, cool and detached sum up the image of Capricorn natives.—Some of them can have frequent mood swings often going into the darker side which they should check.


They keep their emotions under control and like a structured flow of tasks and relationships. Capricorn is the sign of organization and efficient management. At the same time in the deep corners of their heart they want people should respect them and their attitudes.


Natural Trait: Innocent and Trustworthy


Best Trait When: Resource full and Ambitious


Worst Trait When: Blunt and Stubborn


Natural Fears: Failure of dreams


Anxiety When: Surrounded by incompetent people


Inherent Desires: To be admired from family and friends


Feel Insecure When: About idea of Failing


Should Be Proud of: Ability to chase dreams


Traits Need To Improve: Pessimistic, detached and insensitive to others


Can Do Much Better By: Learning to be more Realistic, Being more Professional, Practicing clear Goal Setting, Engaging in hobby, Doing slow breathing exercises daily



Key phrase: I Economise

Zodiac Element: Earth

Main Characteristics: Wise, Dignified, Cautious, Practical, Thoughtful, Diplomatic, Profound, Positive, Ambitious, Focussed, Magnetic, Susceptible, Sympathetic, Faithful, Over Reactive

Traits need to Improve: Pessimistic, Shy, Stubborn, Self Centred, Moody, Nervous, Jealous, Suspicious and Gloomy

Compatible Signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Beneficial Planet: Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn

Malefic Planet: Sun and Jupiter

Neutral Planet: None

Love Planets: Venus, Moon and Jupiter

Finance Planet: Saturn and Rahu and Jupiter

Speculation Planet: Venus and Jupiter

Career Planets: Venus and Mercury and Saturn

Friendship Planet: Mars, Ketu and Jupiter

Lucky Numbers: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 22,

Lucky Stones: Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli

Lucky Days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Lucky Colours: Black, Indigo, Marine Blue and Steel Grey

Lucky Fragrances: Cinnamon, Lime, Peppermint

Lucky Metals: Iron

Affirmation Mantra: I Am Successful and Content


Positive Traits: Focussed, Brave, Ambitious, Intuitive, Energetic, Secretive, Passionate, Resolute, Action-Oriented, Investigating, Fearless, Tenacious, Thoughtful, Determined, Eloquent, Focussed, Devoted, Patient, Ambitious and Passionate.

Negative Traits: Jealous, Revengeful, Secretive, Emotionally Hardened, Sarcastic, Suspicious, Destructive, Vindictive, Possessive, Intolerant, Ruth less




Health & Fitness:

Capricorn natives can have weak immune during younger age.

They usually face problems due to cold, kidney stones, digestion and there can be skin related problems also.

Some natives may have weaker bones particularly in legs.

At mental level they sometimes develop depression and try ways to escape it.

They should take care of their diet and avoid oily foods. Capricorn natives may continue to do any work for too long which may cause fatigue.

So they should exercise moderation in everything. They should meditate on the Muladhaara Chakra and do deep breathing exercises.

Calcium Phosphate is their tissue salt and they should take such foods that have this salt and calcium.

They should include milk, eggs, cereals, almonds, cheese, brown rice, spinach, figs, fruits, whole wheat items and green leafy vegetables to their diet.


Related Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhaara)







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