About Aquarius (Kumbh)


Nature & Characteristics:


Aquarius natives seek and expand socially and find new connections and friends.

They enjoy team work and like to work with like minded groups.


Yet sometimes they get obstinate, too frank or are unable to understand the relationship and the depth required in it so ultimately they may turn out to be having few close friends.


Aquarius natives are very humanitarian and at the same time they are also revolutionary thinkers having a rebellious energy in the heart.

They can be eccentric at times and do not like to confirm to authorities.


They prefer non- traditional systems and explore new ideas.

They like freedom and independence. Aquarius natives accept different types of lifestyles.


Their urge for revolutionary change encompasses others with transformation in collective consciousness.


They can also be highly unpredictable at times.

People may perceive them as very unique and original thinker.


Aquarius natives are great explorers, discoverers, inventors and visionaries and freedom inclined.

They are of modern age and possess a bigger cause in their heart and mind. They have keen perception to see through everything and situation. They are supporting in nature.


Aquarius natives are store houses of original ideas and this ability of thought patterns make them good inventor. They prefer independence and love time alone to think and imagine. Aquarius sings rules technology.

Their thoughts, ideas and imagination can be rational and original and this makes Aquarius scientists, discoverers and innovators.


Aquarius people are extremely observant. They are lifetime students of human nature, behaviour, thoughts and actions. Aquarius natives are usually detached, different and prefer loneliness in initial years of their age. They can be highly egoistic or even emotionally blocked. They have tendency to rebel. This mental process and energy often alienates others from them. But during this process if they filter and analyze their own nature, behaviour and actions, such Aquarius natives transform themselves to super minds.


They have humanitarian outlook which is connected to their philosophy. They tend to fight for others for equality.





Natural Trait: Imaginative and Intuitive


Best Trait When: Humanitarian Sense


Worst Trait When: Detached and Stubborn


Natural Fears: Losing individuality


Anxiety When: When people invade piracy with unreasonable demands


Inherent Desires: To stand out from the crowd and be recognized for it


Feel Insecure When: Losing their freedom


Recurrent Waves of Feelings:


Should Be Proud of: Brilliant and Genius Ideas


Traits Need To Improve: Too much secretive and emotionally far away


Can Do Much Better By: Learning difference between Lonliness and Aloneness, Curbing over expenses, Avoid being over Idealistic and Over Expecting, Finding right Audience to express their Ideas, Learning to split big Goals to Smaller Goals



Key phrase: I Progress

Zodiac Element: Air

Main Characteristics: Humane, Scientific, Eloquent, Intuitive, Leadership skills, Truthful, Scientific, Sincere, Earnest, Cooperative, Unbiased, Inventive, Philosophical, Intuitive, Progressive, Just, Curious, Affectionate Personality, Frank and Imaginative

Traits need to Improve: Extremist, Inconsistent, Detached, Cold, Stubborn and Unpredictable

Compatible Signs: Aries, Gemini Libra and Sagittarius

Ruling Planet: Rahu and Saturn

Beneficial Planet: Sun, Mercury and Venus

Malefic Planet: Moon and Jupiter

Neutral Planet: Mars and Saturn

Love Planets: Mercury, Sun and Venus

Finance Planet: Jupiter

Speculation Planet: Mercury and Jupiter

Career Planets: Mars, Moon, Rahu, Mercury and Saturn

Friendship Planet: Jupiter

Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 53, 58

Lucky Stones: Blue Sapphire, Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Green Tourmaline

Lucky Days: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Best Day to Start Travel:

Lucky Colours: Marine Blue, Electric Blue, Grey, Aqua Blue, Navy Blue and Brown

Lucky Fragrances: Lavender, Pine and Rose

Lucky Metals: Iron and Lead

Affirmation Mantra: I Evolve and Encompass all Humanity



Health & Fitness:

Aquarius natives generally have weaker bones in their body.

Anxiety, extreme curiosity and sleeplessness may cause disturbance in nervous system, throat, heart and spine. They should not worry too much.

They should take good sleep and proper diet. They must keep themselves light and motivated.

Their cell salt is sodium chloride.

They should take plenty of water and exercise moderately.

They should include corn, peach, grapes, apples, lemons, walnuts, milk, cheese, eggs, nuts, beans and vegetables.

Calcium rich foods are necessary. They should avoid all intoxicating things and include herbal tea in their intake.

Related Chakra for Meditation: Root Chakra (Muladhaara)





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