For Aquarius this transit of Rahu and Ketu will be activated in the axis of 3rd and 9th house. Rahu is transiting in the third House of efforts, courage, younger siblings and short travels. This transit will give you favourable results in terms of career, business as well as on your professional front as your aptitude of dealings will improve. You may become more courageous and take decisions which will give good results. Those in the field of Sports, Media and Entertainment may do well. Those seeking suitable partners for marriage have better chances and even existing love affairs can turn into marriage. Gain from multiple sources may happen during this transit as your courage and efforts will get boost. Some may get part time job for training and coaching. Many Aquarius native may have more than one source of income during this period. It is a good time to start something new. Increment and promotion at the work front are also possible. You will remain optimistic.
Ketu will be transiting in the ninth house of luck, spirituality and fortune. Some of you would be inclined to the spiritual study and even travel. Obtaining the blessings of your parents and elders can be fortunate for you. The longing to learn practises yoga and meditation may also find this time. You will also get success regarding long travel or even going abroad for higher education, and there will be an increase in wealth and in overall income. Health may remain good.
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