Alcoholism, Drugs and Medical Astrology

Alcoholism and use of intoxicating drugs is an addiction, which not only becomes a deep rooted dependant medium to escape from external as well as internal reality but ultimately leads to the inability to control its craving for physical and emotional dependence.

Medical Astrology first finds out the root cause of these types of dependence because unless we understand the person affected and the reasons behind it mere forced remedies will never work.

Causes of dependence on Alcohol and other Drugs can be found in a person’s chart.

  1. Highly emotionally imbalance person.
  2. Persons who lost his/ her parents at very young age.
  3. Persons having very low will power.
  4. Person has been introduced to Alcohol and Drugs by others in his social circle.
  5. Person with too much anxiety and tension.
  6. Person having severe lack of proper sleep.
  7. Person having wrong company.
  8. Persons having sexual problems.
  9. Persons having too much anger and avoiding responsibilities.
  10. Person feeling unloved, neglected and serious relationship afflictions.
  11. Persons having too much inferiority complex and issues.
  12. Persons having intense desire of extra thrill and passion.

All the above given twelve reasons are related to the specific Planets, Planetary conjunctions, negative placements, aspects, and affliction of houses in a Horoscope which needs deep scrutiny and analysis.

Medical Astrology also finds that people who have much Vaat element in their chart and related houses are addicted to such things. Moon is given high significance during this study.

If Moon is weak and negative in the chart then such persons are prone to be highly anxious very quickly and start depending on such intoxicating substances. A weak and negative Saturn, Rahu and Mars also become the main reasons.

If 11th house and its lord is afflicted then the person will be introduced to such intoxicating substance by his friends and social circle.

If 3rd house and its lord along with the Moon is afflicted then the person can himself / herself find such things to depend on.

Further malefic in 2nd, 11th, 12th houses also generate dependency on such intoxicating substances.

Weak ascendant and lord of ascendant, affliction of 4th house, 7th and 8th house also causes such tendencies.

Medical Astrology analyzes the native’s personalized the chart by studying the related afflictions of houses, planets, weaknesses and inauspicious planetary configurations and effects on the mind, organs, body parts and helps in finding the astrological root cause and recommends necessary remedial measures



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