House of luck, fortune, religion, virtuous deeds, pilgrimages, higher learning and philosophy, divine grace and help, science, learning of books, higher learnngs and education, worship, religious inclination, philosophy, power of intuition, religious institutions, pilgrimages, devotional and religious learning, karmas of the present birth, splendour, association with virtuous, voyages and long journeys and travels, auspiciousness, the preceptor or guru & teachings, spiritual life, previous karmas and luck, austerity, penance, charity, kindness, wisdom, knowledge, devotion towards the preceptor, spiritual initiation, mental quietude, fame and fortune, progeny, religious rituals, long travel by sea, air and land, law, books publishing. Fame and glory in life.
The Karakas for the Ninth house are Jupiter and Sun. This house is one of the Trikona houses. It is also one of the Dharma Houses.
Body parts in general – Hips, thighs, female arteries, lower spine.