Challenges, struggles, enemies and opponents, oppositions, service, mental agitation, injuries, accident, disease, servants, dependants, service, uncles and aunts of father’s side, wounds sustained in war, tenants, duration of illness, treatment, loans, debts, investments, losses, disappointments, employees and subordinates, struggles and success for daily life and routines, immune system, health care and medication, competitions, criticism, courts, judicial process, obstacles, poison, slanders, humiliation, cruelty, indulgence in prohibited acts, theft, quarrels, imprisonment, maternal uncles, maternal aunt, step-mother, pets, cattle, flavours of food, servants, faithfulness and conditions of subordinates, worries, bad habits, service. Enemies in politics.
The Karaka for the sixth house are Mars and Saturn. This house is one of the Duhsthana as well as Upachaya houses. . It is also one of the Artha Houses.
Body parts in general – Intestines, anus, phlegmatic illness, kidneys, eye disease, poisoning, and accidents.