Children, creative talent and abilities, educational prospects, artistic talent, mental ability, self expression, conception, abortions, pregnancy, first child, pleasures, creativity, sports, fun, learning, knowledge, scholarship, character, prosperity, acquisitions through wife, lady love, hobbies, fascination (for women), love affaris and romance, social inclinations, creativity, success in career of sports, cinema and entertainment, sharp, wisdom, amusements, artistic talents, sports, discrimination and analytical skill, education in foreign countries, capability, individual intellectual and expressive capability and attitudes, decision making patterns, devotion to gods, spiritual practices, places of entertainments, speculations, past life and deeds, prior and after marriage romances, means of earning, official seal, good or bad memory, speculation and investments, wealth from stock investments and foreign lands, gains from public and public affairs, prospects of child, successful married and love life, humiliation, authorship, local government, knowledge of mantras, karmas of past lives.
The Karaka for the fifth house is Jupiter. This house is one of the Trikona houses. It is also one of the Dharma Houses.
Body parts in general –Liver, Heart, abdomen, belly, gall bladder, spleen, mind, mental illness, and problem related to pregnancy.