Property, house, lands, near and dear ones, Mother and her well being, home and domestic environment, relation with family members, place of security, ancestry, inner peace, mother, relatives on mothers side, vehicles, water, agriculture, learning, happiness, farming, gardens, orchards, unique medicines, domestic environs, installations, buildings, parliament favours from the ruler, medicine, education, knowledge of land and geography, hidden treasures, comforts and discomforts, courage, faith, victory and defeat, relation with general public, friends, servants and helpers, perfumes, clothes, milk, digging, agricultural produce, vehicles, possession of cattle, horses and elephants, general conditions of life at later age, private affairs, hidden things, intuition, giving or taking on lease and rent, antiques, false allegations, loss of one’s dwelling, school education,
The Karaka for the fourth house are Moon and Mercury. This house is one of the Kendra Houses. It is also one of the Moksha Houses.
Body parts in general – Chest, lungs, upper portion of stomach, heart, and diaphragm, joints of elbows, main arteries and breast.