Third House

Will power, courage and valour, capacity, firmness, intelligence, communication, networking, success from self made efforts, things one is curious about, skills, younger brothers and sisters, heroism, physical fitness, hobbies, talent, education, good qualities, younger siblings, longevity of parents, tolerance, capability, higher secondary education, hobbies and things of interest, research and philosophical tendencies also, papers and correspondence,  quality and nature of food, neighbours, short journeys, selfishness, sports, fights, refuge, trading, dreams. Sorrows, stability of mind, short air travels, post office, means of communication, changes,  near relations, friends, army, inheritance, ornaments, cleverness, short journeys.
The Karaka for the third house is Mars. This is one of the Upachaya houses. . It is also one of the Kama Houses.

Body parts in general – right ear, neck, trachea, throat, shoulders, bones, upper ribs, mental instability, right hand, physical growth, and longevity.
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