This house which is the ascendant and also called as the rising sign, represents you, signifies life, longevity, health, nature, physical appearance, complexion, vitality, Body, fame, strength, character, courage, knowledge or lack of it, residence, place of birth, mental outlook in the manner one connects or projects to others, dignity, honour, ancestry, livelihood, the present wisdom, wealth, comforts and discomforts, advantages, gains to younger brothers, self-respect, peace of mind, happiness and un-happiness, detachment, virtues and vices, health of parents., fateful travels, east direction, place of birth.
Karaka of the first house is Sun. This house is one of the Kendra as well as Trikona Houses. It is also one of the Dharma Houses.
Body parts in general – Head, Brain, complexion, nervous system, facial bones, pituitary glands, marks or moles on the body, overall health, skin colour, longevity, sleep, texture of hair, stamina.